Medicine Reconciliation

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For those who take more than one prescription or supplement, it can be tricky to keep track of everything. Yet, maintaining an up-to-date list of all medications you take is important to achieve a successful health care experience. This practice – called medication reconciliation – is a crucial step that shouldn’t be overlooked.    

Understanding Medication Reconciliation

Medication reconciliation involves reviewing and creating an accurate list of all medications a patient is taking. This typically includes all prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, herbals, supplements and more.  

Essentially, medication reconciliation is a practice used to better understand how medications interact and affect your body. Undergoing this step promotes active engagement in your health care journey and gives you a better understanding of what you do and don’t need.

Plus, ensuring an up-to-date medication list is fundamental for effective health management because it prevents potential adverse reactions, helps identify duplications and guides your doctor when create a comprehensive and effective treatment plan. 

Why It Matters, Especially for Seniors

Medication reconciliation plays a crucial role in the health of seniors specifically. Changes in medications, dosage or combining different drugs can have significant effects on older adults, but completing a reconciliation process will ultimately increase the safety of drugs prescribed over time while eliminating any discrepancies.  

Seniors, due to age-related changes, may experience heightened vulnerability to medication-related issues. They are also more likely to take a larger number of prescriptions and supplements, which is why it is always recommended to complete a regular reconciliation to minimize risks and enhance overall outcomes. 

Seniors are also more likely to be admitted to the hospital, which is where a transition in their medication regimen is most likely to occur. A reconciliation will be conducted to ensure accurate and safe medication administration during the hospital stay.

This process will also involve comparing the patient’s current medication list with what is being prescribed during the hospitalization. Any changes made by the hospital team will be taken into account, but it is important to always talk with your primary care provider after an event such as hospitalization. 

Simple Steps for Medication Reconciliation

While your primary care provider can help you get started with the medication reconciliation process, follow these simple steps to achieve the best results: 

  1. Compile a Comprehensive List: Maintain an accurate record of all prescribed and over-the-counter medications, including vitamins and supplements.
  2. Communicate Changes: Keep your primary care provider informed about any changes in your medications, dosage adjustments or new additions.
  3. Regular Check-Ins: Schedule periodic medication reviews with your health care provider to ensure your treatment plan aligns with your current health status.

Seek Professional Guidance

Medication management and reconciliation can be overwhelming at first, so don’t hesitate to seek guidance. Your doctor can offer clarity, address any concerns and create a tailored medication plan that will suit your unique needs.

Overall, medication reconciliation is not just about managing a list of drugs; it’s about taking control of your health narrative. Understanding and actively participating in your health care will lead to better long-term outcomes and leave you feeling empowered.

To learn more about medication reconciliation and how it can benefit you, be sure to speak with your White-Wilson primary care provider. 
