Cooling off with Healthy Lungs: Experience a Breathable Summer Season 

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As the summer heat rolls in, it becomes increasingly important to stay in tune with our bodies. The most common thought that comes to mind is wearing sunscreen and protective gear, such as hats and sunglasses, to shield our skin from harmful UV rays. However, many people forget that it is also necessary to prioritize lung health amid the sweltering season. 

“The summer months can be challenging when it comes to lung health,” says White-Wilson Advance Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Ashley “Nani” Cusson. “While those with respiratory conditions like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease need to be especially mindful, the effects of our environment can cause lung issues for anyone who isn’t taking the right precautions.”

During the scorching summer months, your body will utilize more oxygen than normal to regulate body temperature, explains APRN Cusson. Thus, you tend to breathe in large amounts of pollen, water vapor and pollution, all of which are in excess quantities anyway due to the hot temperatures causing plants to bloom, humidity levels to be higher and pollution to become more easily trapped in the ambient air. 

“Breathing in an excess amount of these can cause irritation of the nasal cavity and lungs, as well increase the likelihood of coughing, breathing difficulties or shortness of breath,” continues APRN Cusson. “Thankfully, there are steps we can take to safeguard our lungs during this time of year.”   

  • Stay Hydrated: Hot weather can make you sweat, causing dehydration. Ensure you’re drinking enough fluids, especially water, throughout the day to ensure your body is getting the hydration it needs to promote proper lung function. 
  • Practice Sun Safety: Protecting yourself from UV rays will indirectly benefit your respiratory system because it will help regulate your body temperature and avoid the possibility of overheating. Apply board-spectrum sunscreen, wear protective clothing and avoid being out for long periods of time or during peak heat times. 
  • Check the Weather: Daily weather forecasts typically show air quality indexes, including heat waves, pollen count and smog or pollution levels. Be sure to use this forecast to plan your activities for the day. 
  • Keep the Inside Cool & Clean: Use air conditioners to help remove moisture and keep temperatures low but be sure to routinely replace filters to avoid circulating indoor air pollutants. Regularly clean and dust, keep windows and doors closed and consider using air purifiers or plants that naturally improve air quality. 
  • Take Advantage of Indoor Activities: Engaging in indoor activities such as visiting a museum, library, store or gym will allow you to escape the heat and avoid overworking your lungs.  

APRN Cusson emphasizes that, at the end of the day, taking action to minimize the potential for lung issues during this time of year is crucial. Although you should not feel that you must shelter inside during summer, it is nevertheless good to understand how to keep your lungs healthy while enjoying the weather. All in all, be sure to talk with your primary care provider for further explanation and guidance on your unique lung health needs and how your routines may be impacting your overall health and wellness.  

Ashely Cusson, APRN provides comprehensive care with the White-Wilson Pulmonology, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine team in Fort Walton Beach. She believes that focusing on her patients’ health care needs and treatment plans, as well as making their visits with her comfortable and educational, allows her to provide the best care possible. Learn more about APRN Cusson and her approach to patient care here
