Prevention is Key: Dr. Vergil Brown Weighs in on the Importance of Annual Wellness Exams

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The old adage by Benjamin Franklin is still true today—“an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” However, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Americans use preventive services at about half of the recommended rate. Much of the time, individuals forgo these important screenings due to financial concerns, or time constraints.

Health insurance benefits can be confusing, and many people are unclear about what exams and screenings their health plan(s) may cover. Fortunately, most major health insurance plans pay for annual wellness exams and screenings.

“Routine annual visits serve many purposes for overall health,” said American Board of Internal Medicine certified physician, Vergil Brown, MD, PhD. “They provide continuity of care with your provider, and they allow your provider an opportunity to review your records and provide the most up to date vaccinations and screenings. They also allow an opportunity to address some conditions at an early stage, before they become more difficult to treat.”

Taking full advantage of the screenings and exams that your insurance plan will cover plays a big part in maintaining your overall health. Here is a list of the screenings and exams covered by most major insurance companies.

“As people age, these exams generally become more and more important. Accordingly, Medicare provides for the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit,” said Dr. Brown. “These visits allow your health care team to address your overall health needs and obtain the necessary screenings and exams to improve or maintain your health.”

The Care Coordination team at White-Wilson Medical Center works with your primary care physician to manage your overall health and conduct your yearly Medicare Annual Wellness Visit. These exams are covered in full by Medicare.

During these exams, your Care Coordination provider will work with you to ensure you are taking advantage of your benefits and getting disease-specific management and screenings. They serve as your partners in health.

“By taking a proactive approach to your health, you have an opportunity to find or prevent diseases and illnesses before they are life threatening,” said Dr. Brown.

Patients may contact our Care Coordination team at (850) 863-8244 to schedule a Medicare Annual Wellness Visit. Appointments are available at each White-Wilson Medical Center Clinic location.
