What to Expect During Your First Pre-Natal Visit

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Being pregnant can be a very exciting time. From finding out your baby’s gender to deciding on a name and decorating the nursery, there are many wonderful milestones you will experience during this process. But before these can come to pass, there is a vital step you must take first – scheduling a pre-natal appointment.

Luckily, White-Wilson OB/GYN Dr. Matthew Reynolds is here with what to know for your first pre-natal visit.

“The first and most important thing to do if you believe or know you are pregnant is to see a obstetrician within your first 7 to 8 weeks of pregnancy,” Dr. Reynolds explains. “Pre-natal care is one of the most important factors of a successful and healthy pregnancy.”

According to Dr. Reynolds, the first pre-natal visit is especially important because it is when your OB/GYN will gather relevant information regarding your health and that of your baby. Therefore, it is important to come prepared.

“You will be asked a lot of questions during your initial pre-natal visit about your medical history, as well as that of your partner and your respective families,” says Dr. Reynolds. “Having this information ready will help your doctor get a better overall picture of your health and anticipate any complications that may arise during your pregnancy.”

During your first visits, your physician will discuss your medical history, conduct a general health exam, run a series of tests and perform an ultrasound. These initial tests are used to confirm your pregnancy and check for diseases and genetic carrier status.

“These tests will also help your doctor calculate the fun part, your due date,” Dr. Reynolds adds.

Finally, your pre-natal visits are a time for you to ask your obstetrician any and all questions you may have about your baby and the upcoming months. You will work closely to develop an individulalized plan that is best for your and your family.

“Whether you are a first time mother or you have done it all before, you will have questions,” Dr. Reynolds explains. “We are here to support you along the way and to be your partner during this special time.”

Dr. Matthew Reynolds is certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is a father of four daughters and has more than 15 years of experience. Dr. Reynolds is currently accepting new patients at the White-Wilson Center for Women’s Health in Fort Walton Beach.
