White-Wilson Medical Center

Obtaining Your Medical Records

To ensure easy access to your health record for visits with White-Wilson Medical Center health care providers, we have partnered with ShareCare Imaging to safely and efficiently share those medical records via an online request. If you would like copies of your medical records from visits at White-Wilson Medical Center, just click the button below to submit a request.

We value your privacy and want to ensure that the information is released properly.

Please note, that pursuant to HIPAA 45 CFR, 164.524, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable cost-based fee for producing and mailing copies of your medical record. If you would like your entire medical record, the rate will increase proportionally based on the cost. At no time will the cost-based fees exceed Florida law (Statute: 64B8-10.003).

After you submit your request, you'll receive a notification from ShareCare regarding payment options. Once payment is received, records will be sent to you.

For records being sent to another health care provider:
Please provide as much contact information for your other doctor as possible, including the address, phone and fax numbers. There is no charge for records delivered to another health care provider for ongoing treatment purposes.

ShareCare is committed to providing the highest levels of quality, integrity and responsiveness. If you have any questions concerning the status of your request, please contact a ShareCare Customer Care Representative.