Five Tips to Help You Make Your Health a Priority

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For many of us, the good intentions and resolutions that came with the New Year are a distant memory by now. Many of us have slowly moved away from making health conscious decisions and have fallen back into our old habits.

Old habits die hard, and it can be difficult to find ways to get back on track. Family medicine physician, Dr. Andrei Androssov, offers 5 tips to help you make your health a priority.

  1. Go the extra mile – A few extra steps here and there can have a big impact on your health. Try working them in throughout your day.
    • Go for a parking spot that is a little further away.
    • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
    • Walk to the mailbox instead of driving.
    • Take a sunset stroll along the beach.
    • Use a fitness device to monitor your progress and motivate you with a little friendly competition!
  2. Make time for what you love – When we are busy and stressed, it can be difficult to take time to slow down and enjoy the things you love. However, when stress levels are high, it is most important to find time to relax. Whether it is going to the beach, working in your garden, doing yoga, or making art, it is important to schedule a dedicated time for your favorite activity and stick to it–your physical and mental health will thank you!
  3. Cut the sugar – Today’s foods are packed with unnecessary sugars and it can be tricky to determine what is healthy and what is loaded with sugar. We all know that cookies and cakes are unhealthy, but products like oatmeal, snack bars and salad dressings can contain just as much sugar as grandma’s homemade pie. Read your labels and don’t be fooled by products that are disguised as healthy.
  4. Learn to say no – Saying no can be hard, but it empowers you to focus on your priorities—like your health. Say no to that piece of birthday cake. Say no to that second glass of wine. Say no to commitments that will over extend you or take away from the time designated to your health and wellness.
  5. Give yourself a break – If you make poor choices and fall behind on your health goals, don’t beat yourself up. Becoming disappointed will only increase your likelihood of falling further behind. Cut yourself some slack, and reprioritize what needs to change to make your health a priority again. Set small obtainable goals, and go from there!

As always, be sure to consult your primary care physician prior to starting a new exercise program or making changes in your nutrition. Your primary care physician can provide additional suggestions on getting and staying healthy.
