Prevention is Key: Dr. Vergil Brown Weighs in on the Importance of Annual Wellness Exams
The old adage by Benjamin Franklin is still true today—“an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” However, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Americans use preventive services at about half of the recommended rate. … Continued
Myth Busters: You Can Get the Flu from the Flu Shot.
BUSTED! You cannot get the flu from the flu shot. The annual flu shot is made with an inactive flu virus that is not infectious making it impossible to get the flu from the flu shot. “If you get the … Continued
Five Ways to Avoid the Flu
Dr. Van Shares How You Can Skip the Flu This Year While the leaves may not exactly change color along the Emerald Coast, we can count on more than college football to make a debut each Fall. Every year, millions … Continued
What’s Your Reason?
Everyone has a reason to get their mammogram… What’s yours? Chances of recovery from breast cancer have significantly increased due in part to earlier detection through mammograms. In celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness month and in honor of those who have lost their fight with the … Continued