You are scheduled to have a CT or CAT Scan. This test is done to look at the structures within a specific area to determine if abnormalities are present. Below are the instructions to prepare patients for a CT scan.
Take any medications as prescribed by your physician.
Liquid breakfast, then nothing to eat after breakfast.
1 hour before the scheduled time of your CT scan, begin drinking the first bottle of oral contrast. 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time of the CT, drink the second bottle of contrast. Both bottles of contrast should be completed prior to your arrival time in the X-ray department. After checking in with the X-ray department, you will be given the third bottle of contrast.
Take any medications as prescribed by your physician.
Regular breakfast. Liquid lunch. Nothing to eat after lunch.
1 hour before the scheduled time of your CT scan, begin drinking the first bottle of oral contrast. 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time of the CT, drink the second bottle of contrast. Both bottles of contrast should be completed prior to your arrival time in the X-ray department. After checking in with the X-ray department, you will be given the third bottle of contrast.
Patients need to be well hydrated day of scan.
Patients who are over age 65, or are diabetic, or have a history of renal disease are required to have a current creatinine before administering IV contrast material.