White-Wilson Medical Center

Imaging Prep Fort Walton Beach
Imaging Services Imaging Services

The Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP) is a diagnostic examination of the kidneys, ureters and bladder using X-ray images. Below are the instructions to prepare patients for the IVP procedure.


At 3 pm the day before the exam, take 2 oz of Castor Oil or 2 Ducolax (5 mg Bisacodyl) tablets by mouth.

Drink a lot of fluids, at least 6 glasses of clear liquids over the next

2-4 hours. These fluids may be water, apple juice, Sprite or Gatorade.

Have a clear liquid dinner. You can have clear liquids through the night. You may also have clear liquids the morning of the appointment.


NOTE: Patient should take oral medications as per doctor's orders.

Pediatric (Under Age 15)

Patient may have clear liquids the day of the examination, until 3 hours before the examination.
No solid foods on the day of the examination.