September 26, 2011
FORT WALTON BEACH, Florida – September 26, 2011 – Over 350 men and women came together to promote women's health and raise money for local charities at White-Wilson's second annual Little Black Dress Party on May 21, at the Emerald Coast Convention Center. The sold-out event included a Fashion Show by Dillard's, live and silent auctions, a DJ, great food and a fabulous time!
"There are certain risks to flu vaccination that we believe your primary care doctor is best positioned to address with you," said Dr. Frank Francone, a board certified family medicine physician with White-Wilson Medical Center's Immediate Care Clinic. "Your primary care physician is ideally suited to counsel you on the risks and benefits of the influenza vaccination, taking into consideration your past medical history, medication use, allergies, etc., and can advise you if there is a reason you should not get the flu vaccine."
There are several variations of the influenza vaccine, which include a nasal mist, the regular flu shot and the high-dose flu shot. Another variation is the intradermal flu vaccine that has a 90% smaller needle and is injected into the skin instead of the muscle.
The nasal flu mist is the live but weakened flu vaccine that is given to healthy patients 2 to 49 years of age. The regular flu shot is for patients 6 months to 64 years old, and the high dose flu vaccine is for patients 65 years and older. Patients 65 years and older generally do not respond to the standard dose flu vaccine, and are also more likely to be hospitalized or die from flu complications. All variations of the vaccine are now available at White-Wilson Medical Center.
"The main advantage of early immunization is that it ensures you get the vaccine if the supply is limited and you are protected in case the flu season peaks early," said Dr. Francone. "It takes the body about 2 weeks to form protective antibodies. Vaccination should occur before the traditional peak of the flu season so that protective antibodies are already in place when the peak of flu season arrives."
The CDC recommends that people get the vaccine as soon as it is available, as flu season can begin as early as October. Patients can call schedule an appointment to receive the vaccination in White-Wilson's Pediatric, Family Practice, Internal Medicine and Immediate Care Clinics. The flu shot is covered 100% by most major insurance companies with no co-pay necessary.
January 26, 2011
FORT WALTON BEACH, Florida – January 26, 2011 – The White-Wilson Center for Women's Imaging has partnered with local organizations to host the second annual Little Black Dress Party, and to give-away 10 Total Woman's Health Packages!
The White-Wilson Center for Women's Imaging partnered with local organizations to host the event and promote the importance of preventive healthcare. Laurie Beck, owner of Pilates by the Sea and author of Eight Little Lessons of Hope and Healing, reinforced the importance of preventive care in her message to the audience and shared her experience in battling Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and marginal cell leukemia. Approximately $40,000 was raised for Shelter House, Opportunity Place, the local chapters of The American Cancer Society and The American Heart Association, and the new White-Wilson Medical Foundation. Proceeds will benefit women in need of healthcare in our community. Plans are already in the works for another event on May 18, 2013! For more information on this event or for a list of recommended annual health screenings visit: